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NUR Member Profile

Carme Hernandez, RN, MSc

Carme Hernandez, RN, MSc


What is your current position?

I am the Coordinator of Integrated Care Programs and responsible for Transitional Care Models at Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. 

What are you passionate about in your work?

I am passionate about exploring new models of care for patients with chronic respiratory diseases  -  the integrated care approach with the aims to avoid conventional hospital admissions (Home Hospitalization) and/or to reduce the early hospital readmissions using a distributed model of care.

Tell us about a memorable patient or student that you worked with?

A memorable patient was a man with severe COPD who arrived to the Emergency Room and was enrolled in our Home Hospitalization (HH) program in 2000. From 2000 until his death in 2013, he was included in our Long Term Complex Care Program run by the hospital team. During his time in the Program we initiated non-invasive mechanical ventilation at home, nebulizer therapies, and other complex treatments to manage his high number of comorbid conditions. He participated in several different educational programs and in some randomized controlled trials as a volunteer when we began incorporating telemedicine applications. He was a very active and "expert" patient. His frailty and complexity taught all of us the need to incorporate and collaborate with other health care professionals providing different levels of care and specialties. It was a very interesting and integrated process.  He died at his home, in his bed, with his family. We had the opportunity to say bye bye. Nowadays, his wife is a very active member of our patient and family group, and helps us design new interventions to improve both patient and family care. It was a very nice experience. He has taught us a lot. A vivid memory. 

We learned that

"The right care should be provided in the right place at the right time and by the right professionals"
"Needs to be delivered every time and something has to change"

Tell us about your latest or favorite research project?

I have several:

The deployment of home hospitalization in a tertiary care setting as usual care

Using the telemedicine application as a supporting tool to improve patient care

Chronic respiratory patient stratification to promote adequate home care services (portafolio) by the best available health professionals

How do you spend your leisure time (yes, hopefully you have leisure time)?

It is difficult during the year, but once a month I go listen to classical music, opera and jazz. On holidays I love to go to the beach, sunbathe with a good lecture, and walk along the beach.

I enjoy traveling around the world and listening to ancient music, jazz and country music at home using Spotify!

How has your view of nursing changed over the years?

It depends on the country and the specific core curricula for nurses. In any case, we are in an interesting moment and we have a good opportunity to improve our presence in different areas like management, and as directors, etc. The increasing number of chronic patients, the high complexity of these patients, and the need to reformulate current health care models is an excellent opportunity for us. Nurses should have a key role in the change. If you’re looking to improve the quality of care and reduce costs, try talking to the people working on the front lines every day – talk to a nurse.

How long have you been a member in ATS?

7 years

Do you have a mentor that has helped you?

Yes, A lot of my friends of the ATS nursing group (Maureen George, PhD, RN, AE-C, FAAN; Lynn F. Reinke PhD). I would like to mention a special one, Georgia Narsavage, PhD , APRN , FAAN , FNAP. Some good friends!

What is the value of your membership in ATS?

To be associated with a high level of quality nursing care