Natalie Susan McAndrew,
What is your position at your institution?
Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the College of Nursing
How long have you been a member of ATS and how did you get involved?
I have been a member for a year now and I became involved because of my mentor Jill Guttormson – she connected me to the Nursing Assembly and other mentors at ATS as well.
Tell us about your involvement in the Nursing Mentorship Program.
I was so grateful to have Lea Ann Matura as my mentor last year. She made time for me with phone calls and we had a long session together at the 2018 ATS. Lea Ann was an incredible and supportive mentor. She follows up with me regularly.
Did you find the program valuable? If so, how?
Absolutely. It is really hard as a new faculty member, and hearing about the experiences of other nurse researchers is very helpful. It has also led to new collaborations and opportunities. This year I am involved in two ATS sessions as the result of getting connected through my mentor and the Nursing Assembly.
What are you passionate about in your work?
The focus of my research is improving the delivery of family care in the ICU. Numerous barriers exist to the optimal state of family-centered care delivery in this practice setting. When practicing as a critical care nurse and later as a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) in a medical ICU, I appreciated the complexities and challenges of family care during life-threatening illness. Developing strategies/solutions to empower nurses and families is my passion and the pathway to improving patient and family outcomes. Additionally, highlighting the unique contributions of nurses to family care is an important area of research development.
Tell us about a memorable patient or student, or a memorable experience in your nursing career.
Throughout my time in clinical practice I encountered the most amazing families and patients. I experienced so much joy seeing patients and their family members return to the ICU to share how they were doing. Witnessing positive growth and change in families keeps me motivated to continue my research.
Tell us about your latest or favorite research or clinical project.
I am currently the site PI for a global study (Study PIs: Dr. Sandra Eggenberger and Dr. Petra Brysiewicz) examining nurses experiences with family-engagement in the ICU. Listening to nurses' stories of the connections they form with family members is a privilege.
Tell us about your family (2 and/or 4 legged) and what you do for fun.
I have twin daughters that are now 8-years-old and a wonderful husband at home. I enjoy spending time with them and going on family vacations. We will be going to San Diego this year and I am really looking forward to it. I also love reading fiction and going for long jogs.
How has your view of Nursing changed over the years?
Over time, I have come to appreciate the system influences on our ability as nurses to practice holistically and to our full potential. As a young nurse I felt frustrated and did not understand that it was not a personal failure when the job demands exceeded my resources. I will continue to advocate for policy changes that support nurses in the vital work they do.
Tell us about a mentor that has helped you navigate your career path.
Jill Guttormson is an influential mentor in my life and continues to support my career development. I met her when I was practicing as a CNS. I was analyzing data for a research project and she helped me explore the findings in a more meaningful way. We worked together on the manuscript and she continued to mentor and support me into the present day. Jill was my cheerleader during the PhD program and always a source of strength on difficult days. I learn so much from her and appreciate her kindness, generosity and incredible talents as a nurse scientist.