Overarching Goals of the Apprenticeship Program
The Pulmonary Circulation (PC) Assembly’s Apprentice ship Program is designed to provide early career PC Assembly members with an opportunity to be directly involved in guiding the future of ATS. For the purposes of this application, we define “early career” as senior fellows or early career faculty (i.e. less than 5 years from fellowship), though other applications will be considered. Apprentices may serve on the Program, Planning or Web Committee (descriptions below). Under the mentorship of a committee member, Apprentices will get a ‘behind the scenes’ look at the operations of the PC Assembly while developing skills for evaluation of project applications to learning scoring techniques used to grade abstracts.
Description of Program Committee
The Program Committee organizes the PC content for the International Conference.
Program Committee Apprentices participate in the process of designing the International Conference content, learning how conference sessions for ATS are programmed, and evaluating abstract submissions for poster or oral presentation.
Description of Planning Committee
The Planning Committee is charged with shaping the long-term strategy of the assembly, generally through soliciting and sponsoring projects including clinical practice guidelines, position papers, and workshops benefitting the Assembly.
Planning Committee Apprentices will learn to provide evaluations and reviews of Committee project applications. Apprentices may have the opportunity to assist with the development of accepted project proposals.
Description of the Web apprentice
The Web Committee is in charge of the PC Assembly's web content and online presence.
Web Committee apprentice's expectations and responsibilities include assisting Web Director with all Assembly web content. This may include the organization of web activities like journal clubs, podcasts, and social media.
ATS PC Apprenticeship Program Criteria:
MD (or equivalent) and Ph.D. applicants within 5 years of terminal training (post-doctoral training, fellowship, etc.) will be considered. (Senior fellow, senior postdoc, Instructor, Assistant Professor or a similar level of junior faculty appointment).
- Applicants from all over the world including international candidates are welcome to apply.
- Applicants are self-motivated and can state how this apprenticeship will help them to meet their career goals.
- Applicant has demonstrated a strong interest in pulmonary vascular disease research and/or education.
- Applicant has a strong demonstrated interest in a career in academic medicine or research.
- Applicant has attended previous ATS conferences and/or abstract presentations.
- Applicant appears to have a good work ethic, self-motivating.
- Applicant seeks mentorship or professional ties within the Pulmonary Circulation Assembly.
- Applicant respects and embraces diversity and would add diversity to the ATS leadership.
The deadline to apply is Mon, Jan 22