Early Career Professionals Working Group

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RSF Early Career Professionals Working Group

sergey gutor
Working Group Chair
Sergey Gutor, PhD, MD

Welcome to the website for the Assembly on Respiratory Structure and Function (RSF) Early Career Professionals Working Group.  The RSF Early Career Professionals Working Group was established in 2011 to ensure that the views of the junior members of the Assembly on RSF, specifically trainees and junior faculty, are brought forth to the Assembly leadership.  Because the ATS is truly an international organization, our Working Group consists of graduate students, post-doctoral and clinical fellows, and junior faculty from three continents so that we have a global perspective of the unique needs of trainees and junior faculty within the Assembly.  Furthermore, we work closely with the Assembly leadership to facilitate these needs.  Since its inception, the Working Group has been actively involved in a number of activities to enhance networking and career development opportunities for trainees and junior faculty within the Assembly.  For example, we have listed a few of our ongoing projects here:

  • We are responsible for the organization of the annual Assembly on RSF Pre-Business Meeting, which gives trainees and junior faculty the opportunity to meet and network with members of the Assembly leadership.
  • We submit career development Workshop proposals for trainees and junior faculty to the Assembly Program Committee. To date, two of our Workshop proposals have been programmed for presentation at the annual ATS International Conference.
  • We have established and currently coordinate an Assembly Mentoring Program for trainees and junior faculty.

If you are interested in becoming involved with the activities of the RSF Early Career Professionals Working Group or have any suggestions of how we can enhance career development opportunities for trainees and junior faculty within the Assembly, please contact the Working Group Chair, Sergey Gutor.