Scholarly Project Pods

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Expectations and Member Responsibilities

American Thoracic Society Working Group
Pod Expectations and Member Responsibilities

The goal of each pod is to create a product that advances the education of our pulmonary and critical care community.  This can take the form of conducting educational research or creating educational materials (Appendix D) and should produce some form of scholarly output.  Pods are generally comprised of 1-2 leaders and several contributing members.

Expectations of pod participants are as follows:

Pod Leader(s)

  • Organize regular meetings for members
  • During the initial meeting, review the expectations for/roles of pod members
  • Guide the group in identifying achievable projects
    • The leader should review the list of projects done by pods in previous years to develop some ideas prior to the first meeting
  • Ensure everyone in the group is given a chance to participate and that pod members are clear on their designated tasks and associated deadlines
  • For work resulting in a publication, decide up front what the author order will be and review the requirements for each author's inclusion.  Be clear with group that if pod members do not meet the standards for inclusion as authors (Appendix C), they will not be included as such.  Contributions not meeting criteria for authorship may be recognized in an acknowledgement section of the manuscript.
  • Record minutes for each meeting using the minutes template (Appendix A)
    • The leader can either do this themselves or designate this task to a pod member
  • Be available between meetings to provide guidance/assistance with resources to pod members (can reach out to Master Pod Leader for assistance as needed)
  • Keep pod members (including yourself!) accountable for follow-through on assigned tasks
  • Report the group's progress back to the Master Pod Leader

Pod Members

  • Attend most pod meetings
  • Actively contribute to group discussions
  • Follow-through on assigned tasks
    • Communicate with your pod leader as soon as possible if something comes up and you are unable to follow-through on assigned tasks