Pediatric Division Directors

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Pediatric Division Directors

The Pediatric Pulmonology Division Directors Association is composed of directors of academic pediatric pulmonology divisions in the U.S.  The PPDDA meets twice yearly at the American Thoracic Society International Conference in the spring and at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference in the fall.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual options have been available for attendance.  The PPDDA has worked closely with the pediatric pulmonology on issues concerning the workforce and education.

Please see the bylaws for a full description of the membership and governance structure. 

The PPDDA has been using Basecamp as a forum for open communication among the membership.  Relevant documents and meeting proceedings are posted on the site.  We encourage all academic division directors to join Basecamp. Please contact Lauren Lynch if you would like to join or update your institution/contact information.