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ATS Fellows

Fellows FAQs

ATS Fellow FAQ

What is an ATS Fellow?

It is a mark of distinction for ATS members who have demonstrated dedication to the Society and made significant contributions to the fields of pulmonary, critical care, and/or sleep medicine locally, nationally, or internationally.

What will the ATS Fellow designation be called?

Members who are selected to be ATS Fellows may add ‘ATSF’ after their name.
For example, John A. Smith, MD, ATSF or Sue Adams, PhD, ATSF

Is there an annual renewal?

No, if you are selected to be an ATS Fellow you may use ‘ATSF’ after your name as long as you are an active ATS member.

Who is eligible to apply?

Anyone who is a current ATS member and has been a member for 5 or more years. The ATS Fellow designation is open to all disciplines including but not limited to nurses, pharmacists, physicians, scientists, medical affairs, and all other health professionals.

My membership lapsed; can I still apply?

If you renew your membership, you may then apply if you have been a member for a total of 5 or more years.

How do I apply?

Complete the online ATS Fellow application. You will be asked to indicate your contributions/activities with the ATS and in the fields of pulmonary, critical care and/or sleep medicine; write a personal statement. Your CV may be included in the event that the reviewers need to verify an item in the application.

The application, in question 3, asks for 'contributions to the ATS'; what is this?

As indicated in the pulldown menu for question #3, you can indicate your activities with the ATS such as: committee/subcommittee, assembly and chapter leadership including chair, vice chair and officer positions; service on the ATS board of directors; leadership roles with the ATS journals or journals submissions; faculty for the International Conference or other ATS education programs including Assemblies and chapters; International Conference abstract submission; ATS awards received; advocacy/government affairs activities for the ATS including Hill Day, or other ATS activities that are not included here.

I don’t remember all my committee activities; can ATS help me?

Contact us at and we will provide you with that information.

What are the key elements of the personal statement?

The personal statement should highlight important contributions and emphasize why the ATS Fellow designation is important to the individual.

Is there an application fee?

There is a nonrefundable application fee of $75.00. You can reapply at no cost for up to two years.

If I can’t apply this year, can I do it next year?

Yes, we will offer ATS Fellow every year.

When can I apply?

The application period will be announced on ATS News.

How will ATS Fellows be recognized?

They will be recognized at the International Conference in May as well as in ATS publications and on the ATS web site. They will also receive a certificate, a letter and an ATS Fellow pin.

What if I am not accepted?

You can reapply at no cost for up to two years.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

Contact us at and we will get back to you usually within two business days.