

Pulmonary Stress Test and ECGs


We perform an ECG with CPT 94620 Pulmonary stress testing; simple (eg, 6-minute walk test, prolonged exercise test for bronchospasm with pre- and post-spirometry and oximetry) or 94621 Pulmonary stress testing; complex (including measurements of CO2 production, O2 uptake, and electrocardiographic recordings) Can we bill separately for the ECG and or stress test if performed with these services? Additionally, what if an ECG is done in the morning and then the test needs to be repeated. Are we able to bill and be paid for the ECG in that situation?


No, it is not appropriate to report and bill separately for an ECG as those services, when performed, would be inherent to either CPT 9460 and or 94621. For a separate ECG performed at a separate time during the same date of service for either 94620 or 94621, if medically necessary and separately ordered you may be paid by appending the modifier 59 or another appropriate modifier as requested by the payer. The modifier is necessary to designate this was a separate identifiable service.

Last Reviewed: November 2016