Terrorism and Inhalation Disasters

Journal Club & Webinars

The Section on Terrorism and Inhalation Disasters will sometimes host webinars featuring a content expert and several panelists known in the related field. The webinar is cast using a web-based platform to allow for real-time discussion online.

The webinars are broken into several sections to facilitate interaction between the panelists and the audience. Each TID webinar features:

  • A presentation on the featured topic by the content expert
  • Interactive discussion between the content expert and the panelists
  • Interactive discussion from the live audience as well as ATS members participating online in the Webinar with the content expert and panel

Active participation in encouraged! Opportunities for further discussion after the webinar will be arranged as further webinars develop.

Upcoming Webinars

A Burning Question: Identifying and Understanding Burn-Pit Syndrome

Date/time: Thursday, Feb. 8, 2 p.m. ET
Duration: 60 minutes
Activity Type: Webinar
Assembly/Section: Environmental, Occupational and Population Health (EOPH) & Terrorism and Inhalation Disasters (TID)
Brief Description: This session will discuss deployment-related respiratory disease in general and burn-pit syndrome in particular, taking a broad approach from clinical evaluation and management to cutting edge translational science and animal models. Speakers will include national experts on airborne hazards, war-related illness, and animal models of particulate matter and related stress, joining us from leading academic and VA clinical and research centers.

Register here.

Details on Topics and Speakers:

Deployment-related respiratory disease: From consensus statements to provider toolkit

Speaker: Anays M Sotolongo, MD, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ

Description: Dr. Sotolongo is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Co-Director of the Airborne Hazards and Burn Pits Center of Excellence (AHBPCE) at the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) at VA New Jersey Health Care, and a member of the ATS Section on Terrorism and Inhalation Disasters Executive Committee. She will discuss a clinical approach to evaluating and managing deployment-related inhalation injuries from burn pits and other military inhalation injuries.

Pulmonary vascular disease in veterans with post-deployment respiratory syndrome

Speaker: Sergey S Gutor, MD, PhD,  Division of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN

Description: Dr. Gutor is a Research Assistant Professor at the School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University. He is part of the VUMC research team studying the effects of airborne toxins on veterans who developed chronic lung injuries during their deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan. During his talk, he will discuss inhalational exposure to toxins during deployment, post-deployment respiratory symptoms, and complex pathology in all distal lung compartments. Dr. Gutor will also talk about a new mouse model that has been developed to study the effects of similar airborne toxicants on mice and its characterization.

Utilizing exposure to particulate matter and stress in mice as a model of deployment exposure

Speaker: Matthew W Gorr, PhD, MS, BS, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

Description: Dr. Gorr is a Research Assistant Professor at Ohio State University, and his research focuses on studying the cardio-pulmonary effects of particle matter (PM) exposures in an animal model of pulmonary hypertension. He will discuss a recent collaboration with Dr. Loren Wold to develop an animal model that mimics deployment-related exposures and enables the study of their effects on pulmonary and cardiovascular dysfunction.

Webinar Planning Committee:


Ranu Surolia, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA. ranusurolia@uabmc.edu

Bradley Richmond, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA. bradley.richmond@vanderbilt.edu


Jessica Castner, PhD, RN-BC, FAEN, FAAN, Professor and Director of Nursing at University at Albany, Albany, NY, USA & President of Castner Incorporated, Grand Island, NY, USA

George L. Anesi, MD, MSCE, MBE, Director, Medical Critical Care Bioresponse Program, and Medical Director, Special Pathogen Treatment Unit, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA


Past Webinars

A Burning Question: Identifying and Understanding Burn-Pit Syndrome

Radiation Disaster Preparedness and Management of Exposure  & Contamination


If you would like to host a webinar, suggest or know any names of content experts or faculty who might enjoy participating as a panelist, or have any suggestions for a webinar topic, please contact the TID Section web director, Satya Achanta, DVM, PhD, DABT

 If you would like to become a member of the section or an ATS member, click here to update your profile.