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2023 ATS Abstract Scholarship Award Recipients

These Abstract Scholarship Awards have been funded by the American Thoracic Society


Rebecca Abelman, MD
University of California San Francisco
Abstract Title: Women Have Higher Risk Than Men For Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry (PRISm) Among Ugandans With HIV

Jennifer Baker, BS
University of Michigan
Abstract Title: The Altered Microbial Ecology Of Acutely Injured Lungs Is Characterized By Increased Metabolite Concentrations And Bacterial Growth Promotion

Kale Bongers, MD, PhD, MA
University of Michigan
Abstract Title: The Gut Microbiome Regulates Sepsis-Induced Skeletal Muscle Atrophy

Diedre Carmo, MSc
University of Iowa
Abstract Title: Evidence Of Post-infection Vaccination Correlation With The Severity Of Opacities And Consolidations On The Lung Parenchyma Of Post-acute Sars-cov-2 Patients

Simon Chang-Huang, BS
University of California San Francisco
Abstract Title: Telomere Length And Telomerase Activity Are Associated With Copd And Lung Function Abnormalities In Persons Living With Hiv

Yen-Fu Chen, MD
National Taiwan University Hospital Yun-Lin Branch
Abstract Title: Lung Microbiota And Neutrophilic Inflammation Associated With Clinical Outcomes In Bronchiectasis And Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overlap

Layla Farahani, DO
University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler
Abstract Title: Bedaquiline Treatment As Salvage Therapy For Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Pulmonary Disease

Marwan Ghanem, MD-MSc
Harvard Medical School
Abstract Title: Chest Radiological Predictors of Treatment Failure in Rifampicin-susceptible Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Tony Guo, BSc
University of British Columbia, Centre for Heart Lung Innovation
Abstract Title: Airway Epithelial Repair And SARS-CoV-2 Spike S1 Protein Treatment

Brody Mayoras, BSc
University of Michigan
Abstract Title: Alveolar Neutrophilia Is Temporally Correlated With Staphylococcal Outgrowth, Not Pulmonary Injury, Following Hyperoxia Exposure

Emily Mitchell, MD
University of Virginia
Abstract Title: Natural Anti-ACE2 IgM Levels Are Associated With Protection From Severe COVID-19

Anahita Mostaghim, MD
National Institutes of Health
Abstract Title: Prior Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy In Cancer Patients Presenting With COVID-19 Was Not Associated With Worse Outcomes But Potentially Decreased COVID-19 Related Hospitalizations And Complications: Results Of A Propensity-Matched Analysis Using The

Yoshinari Nakatsuka, MD, PhD
University of Michigan
Abstract Title: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Utilizes a Nitric Oxide Metabolic Pathway to Evade Killing by Neutrophils in the Lung

Josiah Radder, MD, PhD
University of Pittsburgh
Abstract Title: Nitrate Air Pollution Alters The Diversity And Composition Of The Gut Microbiome In A Clinically Diverse Cohort

Andrew Roth, MD, MS
Washington University School of Medicine
Abstract Title: Disruption Of 3β-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase In Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Leads To Increased Virulence And Altered Inflammatory Response

Robert Vender, MD
Temple University Hospital
Abstract Title: A Propensity Score Matched Comparison of COVID-19 in Patients Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Evan Zehr, MD
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Abstract Title: Pneumonia-induced Shedding Of Epithelial Glycosaminoglycans Inhibit Antimicrobial Peptide Bactericidal Activity