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HomeAboutBreathe Easy Podcasts ▶ Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: a conversation with Dr Peter Thomas
Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: a conversation with Dr Peter Thomas

The world is battling with the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr Peter Thomas, Consultant Physiotherapist from Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Australia, and colleagues have produced a guideline called “Physiotherapy Management for COVID-19 in the Acute Hospital Setting: Recommendations to Guide Clinical Practice” which is due to be published imminently in the Journal of Physiotherapy. This podcast is a conversation between Dr Thomas and Dr Claire Nolan, PR Assembly web committee director and Senior Research Physiotherapist, Harefield Hospital, UK, on the content of the guideline. The link to the guideline will be shared once the guideline is available.

Guest: Dr. Peter Thomas

Host: Dr. Claire Nolan

More Information: ATS COVID-19 Resource Center