ATS Scholarships

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ATS Award and Scholarship Opportunities



ATS Award/Shcolarship Opportunities

The American Thoracic Society (ATS) is committed to helping Early Career Professionals pursue a career in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. To accomplish this, the ATS has put together many educational awards and scholarship opportunities aimed at increasing your professional success.

Below is a list of awards and scholarship opportunities available. To learn if this is right for you please click on links:

  1. ATS Awards
  2. ATS Assembly Awards
  3. ATS Abstract Awards
  4. Underrepresented Trainee Development Scholarship (UTDS)
  5. International Trainee Scholarships (ITS)
  6. Pediatric Resident Development Scholarship (PRDS)
  7. Ziskind Clinical Research Scholar Award
Questions: contact fellows@thoracic.org