RCMB Planning Committee

RCMB Planning Committee

Oliver Eickelberg, MD

Jeffrey Horowitz, MD, ATSF

The RCMB Planning Committee sets the long-term strategy of the Assembly through the development of specific projects and overseeing several working groups. The committee is chaired by Jeffrey Horowitz MD, ATSF and the committee membership is available on our website.

The Planning Committee is charged with two main roles with the Assembly. First, the planning committee works with and provides guidance to members proposing Assembly projects. These projects which can be submitted by any ATS member, can include workshops focused on specific themes of that are of interest to the Assembly membership. Such workshops should lead to the development and publication of workshop reports or official ATS documents. Other types of projects may be proposed for the development of webcasts, educational materials, or working groups for which ATS resources can provide support. All proposals are reviewed for scientific, clinical and educational merit by the Planning Committee and if applicable the Education Committee or Documents Committee. After review, the Planning Committee provides feedback (see document) to the applicant prior to final submission of the application to the ATS Program Review Subcommittee. Assembly project proposals submitted in July are reviewed and ranked by the Planning Committee in August. Final submission of the application to the ATS Program Review Sub-Committee occurs in September. Those considering submission of an Assembly Project proposal are encouraged to follow the following link for recommendations on how to prepare a successful proposal:

How to prepare a successful RCMB Project Proposal

The other major responsibility of the Planning Committee is to review the nominations submitted for RCMB assembly awards which are announced at the Assembly Meeting during the ATS International Conference in May. Review Information regarding the RCMB Assembly Awards.

Additionally, the Planning Committee also oversees the efforts of several working groups. Working Groups are created and approved by the Assembly's Executive Committee for short term projects that do not require funds, but work to improve the status and visibility of an Assembly. Review current RCMB working groups.