Chair | Stephanie D. Davis, MD, ATSF | Chapel Hill, NC |
Vice Chair | Paul T. Schumacker, PhD, ATSF | Chicago, IL |
Committee Member | Abdulghani Sankari, PhD, MD | Bloomfield Hills, MI |
Committee Member | Ana L. Mora, MD | Columbus, OH |
Committee Member - Editor, AJRCMB | Andrew J. Halayko, PhD, MSc, BSc(Hons), ATSF | Winnipeg, MB, Canada |
Committee Member | Bria Coates, MD | Chicago, IL |
Committee Member - Editor, Annals ATS | Colin R. Cooke, MD | Ann Arbor, MI |
Committee Member | Connie C. Hsia, MD, FCCP, ATSF | Dallas, TX |
Committee Member | Fernando L. Holguin, MD | Aurora, CO |
Committee Member - Editor, AJRCCM | Fernando J. Martinez, MD, MS | Worcester, MA |
Committee Member | G. Scott Budinger, MD, ATSF | Chicago, IL |
Committee Member | Hrishikesh S. Kulkarni, MD, MSc, ATSF | Los Angeles, CA |
Committee Member | Ilona Jaspers, PhD | Chapel Hill, NC |
Committee Member | James P. Allinson, BM BCH, MD, PhD | London, United Kingdom |
Committee Member | Jess Mandel, MD, FRCP, FACP, ATSF | La Jolla, CA |
Committee Member | Marcus H. Jones, MD, PhD, ATSF | Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil |
Committee Member | Megan N. Ballinger, PhD, ATSF | Columbus, OH |
Committee Member - Editor, ATS Scholar | Nitin Seam, MD, ATSF, FACP | Bethesda, MD |
Committee Member | Patrick Nana-Sinkam, MD | Richmond, VA |
Committee Member - Immediate Past Chair | Robert M. Tighe, MD, ATSF | Durham, NC |
Committee Member | Sharon D. Dell, BSc, MD, FRCP(C), ATSF | Vancouver, BC, Canada |
Committee Member | Stephanie J. London, MD, MPH, DrPH | Research Triangle Park, NC |
Committee Member | Susanne Herold, MD, PhD, ATSF | Giessen, Hessen, Germany |
Committee Member | Wanda M. Gibson-Scipio, PhD, FNP-BC, ATSF | West Bloomfield, MI |
Committee Member | Wonder P. Drake, MD | Baltimore, MD |
Staff | Diane Gern, MA | New York, NY |
Staff | Kevin Wilson, ATSF, MD, MD, ATSF | New York, NY |
The Publications Policy Committee provides oversight of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, Annals of the American Thoracic Society, and ATS Scholar to promote scientific integrity, relevance and leadership in the fields of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. The Publications Policy Committee ensures that the Society’s journals contribute to the achieving the Society’s mission. The Committee is responsible for the broad editorial policies of the journals. It evaluates the performance of the editors and transmits the evaluations to the Executive Committee. The Committee regularly evaluates the overall publications needs of the Society and, when necessary, recommends appropriate changes in the publications program. It provides the Board with strategic guidance for addressing emerging challenges and monitors the effectiveness of new programs, and offers a forum for evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities related to ATS journals. Working in close association with the Documents Development and Implementation Committee, the Committee promotes the effective dissemination of official ATS documents. Finally, it is also responsible for oversight and management of Journal CME planning and implementation.
Benchmarks, 2024-2025:
▪ Review factors that impede diversity in the journals and identify opportunities to make the system fairer and more equitable including diversity in the editors, the editorial boards, and in editor-elicited content.
▪ Develop metrics for all ATS journals, including finances, and make recommendations for changes, if needed.
▪ Address the OSTP open access mandate regarding NIH-funded article submissions.
▪ Continue to support the collaboration efforts of the ATS family of journals.
▪ Develop policy regarding AI assisted authorship of articles.
▪ Discuss role of submission fees in page charges and continue to monitor.
▪ Improve procedures for fraud and misconduct, especially regarding AI and develop process for handling across journals.