Meet the 2023 Winner: Stephanie J. London MD, MPH, DrPH
Stephanie London received her AB, MPH, MD and DrPH from Harvard University. She completed her Internal Medicine Residency at Massachusetts General Hospital and residency in Occupational and Environmental Medicine from Harvard School of Public Health, In 1989 she joined the faculty at the University of Southern California School of Medicine in the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, which was headed by Dr. John Peters. She was part of a group of three faculty members, with Peters as PI, who found the Southern California Children’s Health Study, a landmark study of health effects of air pollution. In 1995 she joined the Epidemiology Branch in the Division of Intramural Research at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences where she has been since. Her work takes a life-course approach to the study of genomics in relation to pulmonary function and pulmonary disease and interactions with the environment.
The award is given for outstanding contributions to environmental, occupational, or population health through leadership in research, education, and/or public health. The award will be presented at the ATS International Conference. The awardee will receive a plaque and a monetary award of up to $500. Nominations of diverse candidates (by gender, race/ethnicity, country, area of focus and primary occupation) are highly encouraged
- Associate or full professor (or equivalent, i.e., 15 or more years from their first faculty/investigator appointment)
- Outstanding contributions to environmental or occupational health as evidence by major leadership in research directly relevant to prevention; and/or major leadership in education or public health practice.
- The relevance of the contribution to preventing and decreasing the morbidity and mortality of respiratory disorders caused by environmental or occupational exposures.
- ATS membership is desirable but not required
- Nominee's curriculum vitae must also be included along with a list of the nominee’s publications
Note: Award nominations will be carried over for 3 years and the Planning Committee may choose to move nominees to a different award category for optimal review.
View Previous Award Recipients
2022 - Gregory R. Wagner, MD
2021 - Carrie Redlich, MD, MPH
2020 - Cecile S. Rose, MD, MPH
2019 - Diane R. Gold, MD
2018 - Susan M. Tarlo, MBBS
2017 - Juan C. Celedón, MD, DrPH
2016 - John R. Balmes, MD
2015 - Maritta S. Jaakkola, MD
2014 - Kathleen Kreiss, MD
2013 - David C. Christiani, MD, MPH, MS
2012 - Margaret R. Becklake, MD
2011 - Frank E. Speizer, MD
2010 - James A. Merchant, MD, DrPH
2009 - John M. Peters, MD, ScD