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Assembly on Respiratory Structure and Function Dr. Robert Crapo Memorial Innovative Research Methodologies Award


Meet the 2023 Winner: Peter B. Noble, PhD


peter noble

Associate Professor Peter B. Noble is a teaching-research academic in the School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia. Peter’s Bachelor of Science, Honours and PhD (2006), a thesis entitled ‘Regulation of Airway Narrowing by Static and Dynamic Loads’, were all awarded at the University of Western Australia. After a brief postdoctoral appointment at Telethon Kids Institute in Perth, Western Australia (2008-2010), he returned to the University of Western Australia to run the Airway Physiological Research Laboratory, the same environment within which he conducted postgraduate training. Peter Co-ordinates the Physiology Major at the University of Western Australia. He has been a member of the ATS since 2006, serving previously on the Structure Function Assembly Program Committee (2015-2017) and currently on the Planning Committee (2022-present).

Peter’s research interests include airway structure-function in the context of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. For the first half of his career, a persisting theme was the impact of breathing stresses and strains on airway smooth muscle contraction, adopting a whole bronchial tube model, initially sourced from animals and subsequently from human subjects’ post-surgery. More recently, Peter has published in the area of bronchial thermoplasty and is working towards the translation of polarisation-sensitive optical coherence tomography as a diagnostic tool in respiratory medicine. To this end he collaborates with clinicians and biomedical engineers, with the ultimate goal of patient-specific resolution of airway remodelling. Other ongoing research themes include the early life origin of airway remodelling, utilising both small and large animal models of disease. Research is currently funded through the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia.

Award Description:

The award honors the life achievements of Robert Crapo, M.D., an international leader in pulmonary function diagnostics research.  Dr. Crapo’s seminal work focused on novel approaches to standardizing pulmonary function testing that greatly advanced our understanding of the importance of such testing.  This award will honor Dr. Crapo by recognizing a mid-career researcher who is developing new techniques or approaches that show potential for markedly enhancing our understanding of the respiratory structure-function relationship.  Nomination of diverse candidates is encouraged.     

The award consists of a certificate and an honorarium, which will be presented at the ATS International Conference.  RSF gratefully acknowledges Medical Graphics Corporation (MGC Diagnostics) for their support.


  • Mid-career investigator at the rank of assistant or associate professor, or equivalent
  • Emerging record of developing techniques – which may be experimental, computational or analytical and applied at the preclinical or clinical stage – to enhance understanding of the respiratory structure-function relationship
  • Normally RSF Assembly membership, but suitable candidates from other ATS Assemblies will be considered
  • Nominee’s current curriculum vitae including a list of the nominee’s publications
  • Nominator’s letter of recommendation
  • Support letters, which are optional but recommended

Nomination/ support  letters should describe nominee's:

  • Research impact, including description of development of new techniques or approaches for elucidation of respiratory structure-function relationship
  • Involvement in ATS, including any involvement in RSF Assembly
  • Service to the broader scientific or medical community
  • Mentorship or teaching record


Nominate Here


View Previous Award Recipients

2022- Jason H.T. Bates, PhD, DSc, ATSF

2021- David A. Kaminsky, MD

2020 - Brian Graham, PhD

2019 - Roberta Goldring, MD

2018 - Gregory King, MB, ChB, PhD, FRACP

2017 - Zoltan Hantos, PhD

2016- Charles G. Irvin, PhD