Scientific and Mini Symposia 2021

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SRN - Controversies in Sleep Apnea Pathophysiology Debate

Date: October 27, 2021

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Moderators – Jennifer Walsh, PhD, Sigrid Veasey, MD, and Scott Sands, BSc, PhD

Debate 1:

  • Genioglossus Muscle Hypotonia as the Major Cause of Pharyngeal Obstruction During Sleep- Atul Malhotra, MD
  • Non-Genioglossus Muscle Hypotonia as the Major Cause of Pharyngeal Obstruction During Sleep- Amy Jordan, PhD

Debate 2:

  • Pulmonary Congestion and Filling Pressures as the Leading Cause of Central Sleep Apnea and Sympathoexcitation in Heart Failure- Geraldo Lorenzi-Filho, MD
  • Carotid Body Hyperreflexia as the Leading Cause of Central Sleep Apnea and Sympathoexcitation in Heart Failure- Julian Paton, PhD

Debate 3:

  • Pathophysiological Endotypes Will Be Useful for Predicting Treatment Outcomes- Scott Sands, BSc, PhD
  • Pathophysiological Endotypes Will Never Be Useful for Predicting Treatment Outcomes- Richard Schwab, MD