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A Case of Complex Sleep Apnea?

Reviewed By Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology Assembly

Submitted by

Dai Yumino, MD, PhD


Sleep Research Laboratory of the Toronto Rehabilitation

Toronto General Hospital of the University Health

Centre for Sleep Medicine and Circadian Biology

T. Douglas Bradley, MD


Sleep Research Laboratory of the Toronto Rehabilitation

Toronto General Hospital of the University Health

Centre for Sleep Medicine and Circadian Biology

Submit your comments to the author(s).


A 27-year-old obese man was referred to the sleep clinic regarding a possible diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). He had developed loud snoring, witnessed apneas and daytime sleepiness in association with an 18 kg weight gain over the last few years. He had no history of hypertension, respiratory, cardiovascular or neurological disease.

Physical Exam

His blood pressure was normal, his height was 183 cm and his weight was 109 kg with a BMI of 32.5 kg/m2. His oropharynx was normal (Mallampati class I) without tonsillar enlargement. The neck circumference was 45 cm. The respiratory and cardiovascular examinations were normal.




Question 1

What type of respiratory events are shown in Figure 1?


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