Sleep Fragments

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Look at the snore channel

Contributed by Contributed by James A. Rowley, MD

Name the events on the snoring channel marked by the red and blue arrows.

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The figure shows a 30 second epoch from a sleep study. The red arrows represent snoring; the reader can recognize these events as snoring events because the events line up with the flow channel. The blue arrows represent pulse artifact in the snoring channel; the reader can recognize these events as pulse artifact because the events line up with the ECG channel. The snoring channel used in this recording is attached to the chin; if placed near the carotid artery, pulse artifact can be evident. To distinguish between true snoring and pulse artifact, the reader can correlate the events with one of the respiratory channels (snoring event) or the ECG channel (pulse artifact).

Abbreviations: LOC: left oculogram; ROC: right oculogram; CHIN: chin EMG; C3A2, C4A1: central EEG leads; O1A2, O2A1: occipital EEG leads; LLEG: left leg EMG; RLEG: right leg EMG; ASNR: snoring channel; TFLO: thermistor flow channel; FLOW: nasal pressure flow channel; THOR: thorax effort channel; ABDM: abdominal effort channel; EKG: electrocardiogram; SAO2: oxygen saturation channel.

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