To upload a video for consideration, click here
Video Submission Deadline: November 15th, 2019
Click Here to view Past BAVLS Submissions
What is the Best of ATS Video Lecture Series?
While the core topics of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine are consistent across fellowship programs, teaching styles and strategies can vary significantly. This Best of ATS Video Lecture Series (BAVLS) invites all members of the ATS Community to submit a teaching video that demonstrates that their lecture is among the best in the field. Because longer lectures decrease retention of knowledge and didactic teaching sessions of less than 15 minutes are known to be more effective, therefore videos will be restricted to 2-15 minutes. Submissions can be related to any category in the three pillars of the ATS: Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine. Videos should appeal to the modern learner and should be innovative in delivery and presentation. Dynamic production values will be given preference over videos of screen-captured PowerPoint with voice-over narration.
The videos should not reveal any identifiable patient information.
Who can apply?
The BAVLS is open to everyone – physicians-scientists, clinician-educators, private practice physicians, students, residents, fellows, nurses, and respiratory therapists.
What happens if my video is selected?
A panel of medical educators will serve as the expert judges and will select the most effective videos based on the criteria of production value, accuracy, brevity, novelty and evidence-based.
The top three videos will be awarded a monetary cash prize along with a crystal award from the ATS. All BAVLS submitters will be eligible to receive publication citations and acknowledgement from the ATS.
Guidelines for Submission
- Videos will be restricted to 2-15 minutes.
- Submissions can be related to any category in the three pillars of the ATS: Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine.
- The videos should not reveal any identifiable patient information.
- Videos should be no larger than 1 GB.
- Videos must be in MP4 format.
- Copyright agreement form must be signed.
Questions? Send an email to Breana Portelli, Manager of the ATS Assembly Programs.