The ATS Assembly on Environmental, Occupational and Population Health (EOPH) works to understand the impact of environmental and occupational exposures on lung health, as well as genetic susceptibility to environmentally related lung disease. Research interests in the assembly include epidemiology, exposure assessment, toxicology, occupational/environmental medicine, and population health. The EOPH assembly is also home to the Section on Terrorism and Inhalational Disasters, which focuses on the effects of inhaled toxins, public health crises, antidotal therapies and countermeasures. Early Career Professionals are greatly valued within the assembly, advocating for assembly focus on cutting-edge research on emerging environmental exposures. ECPs are also heavily involved with the assembly, serving on the planning and programming committees as regular members and apprentices; chairing and facilitating sessions at annual meetings; and creating symposia and workshop proposals, coordinating the apprenticeship and mentor match program, and participating in career development activities through the ECP working group.
If you are interested in getting involved with the EOPH assembly, or have questions, please feel free to reach out to the EOPH ECP working group co-chairs: